AC Power Adapter for AllSet and Silent Sweep Clocks/Movements

AC Power Adapter for AllSet and Silent Sweep Clocks/Movements

SKU: H005229

Convert battery-powered AllSet and Silent Sweep clocks and movements to run off 120V AC power with this power adapter.

  • Type: Adapters & Plugs
  • Power Type: 120V

This 120VAC-to-1.5VDC adapter eliminates the need for batteries in your AllSet and Silent Sweep clocks and clock movements.

Simply remove the existing battery/batteries from the back of the movement, install the corded dummy battery in the battery compartment and plug the adapter into a 120VAC wall outlet.

This adapter can also be used to replace the stock adapter in the electric versions of the AllSet and Silent Sweep clocks.

NOTE: Not compatible with Atomic Radio-Controlled clocks/movements.

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AC Power Adapter for AllSet and Silent Sweep Clocks/Movements
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