Are you maintaining a Simplex synchronized time system? You might as well make some enhancements along the way. Take advantage of over 40 years experience in manufacturing and servicing many different types of clocks. Get straightforward advice from one of our team members with no obligation.
In recent years, mechanical movements used to repair or replace traditional Simplex clocks have become obsolete. We still offer some clocks with mechanical movements, such as impulse clocks, but in most cases we recommend upgrading to current clock technology. Simplex built several different types of clocks. To find out which kind you have, look for the original model number on the back of the clock. It’s typically eight digits separated by a dash. For most Simplex clocks, the first four digits just determines the case material; plastic (6310) or steel (2310).
For eight-digit models, the two digits after the dash are most important when finding your replacement clock because they denote the movement type:
–9000 Series: Impulse
–9100 Series: Electronic Frequency
–9200 Series: 3-Wire Synchronous
–9300 Series: Stand-Alone Electric
–9400 Series: Stand-Alone Battery
The third digit after the dash describes the size, shape and mounting. The remaining digit(s) will vary by system type.
In older models, your clock may only have four numbers. Once you’ve identified your clock model, try our Replacement Clock Finder or call 800.328.8996 for model number assistance.
9100 Series: Electronic Frequency clocks can no longer be replaced by a direct comparison. If you aren’t looking to change your system, Wi-Fi clocks have become a flexible alternative that can sit alongside your other synchronous clocks and keep accurate time.
–9300 or –9400 Series: Stand-Alone Battery or Electric clocks are non-synchronous. See our Stand Alone Wall Clocks page for a range of clocks that can be manually set, radio-controlled and/or set with an automatic daylight saving time feature.
The 3-wire movement (9200 Series) is the most common type used with Simplex synchronous clocks and is compatible with AllSync Plus technology. AllSync Plus clocks are available in 120VAC and 24VAC, so be sure to select the correct voltage for your replacement clock.
AllSync Plus clocks are available in many more styles than their counterparts. When replacing Simplex 9200 Series clocks, the choice of case material and style is up to you!
When all of your clocks are off-time, your controller may be to blame. Replace an existing Simplex time programmer with the AllSync IQ system controller to keep your system running. AllSync IQ can replace the following Simplex programmers:
Simplex 2350 Master Time System |
Simplex 2351 Master Clock |
Simplex 2400 Energy Management System |
Simplex 6100 Program/Timer |
Simplex 6400 Time Control Center |
Simplex 6351 Time Control Center |
If you’re struggling with an outdated Simplex time controller, contact us to find out how easy it can be to replace it with AllSync IQ. This scheduling device provides synchronized control of wired secondary clocks, bells and other electrical circuits. Programming is fast and easy using the Remote Connect web interface or keypad.
Perfect for the DIY expert, this AllSync Plus kit has everything you need to replace the mechanical movement on your Simplex brand clock! Watch our easy-to-follow video to walk you through each step, or download the instructions to get your old Simplex clocks ticking again!
beyond the confines of our own company. I appreciate American Time’s customer care, fast response times and most of all its employees. I look forward to working with you and the rest of the team in the near future.”
Impulse clocks are distinguishable by not operating a sweep hand. Maintain your existing clock system with direct replacements for Simplex 2310-9000 and 6310-9000 Series impulse clocks.
Impulse clocks come in 2- and 3-wire models and with hourly only or hourly and 12-hour correction.
Look for the two-letter code in the model number when selecting a replacement clock for your Simplex system:
[FF] 2-wire, hourly correction
[FG] 2-wire, hourly and 12-hour correction
[JF] 3-wire, hourly correction
[JG] 3-wire, hourly and 12-hour correction